I know, I know, it's been way too long since I've posted. I hope I haven't lost any of ya'll because she's growing up too stinkin' adorable and too fast! Amelie just turned the BIG TWO last week and we are so blessed because she continues to top her cuteness every single day just when we didn't even think it was possible! Every day is filled with a new surprise from Amelie but my favorite thing right now is when she randomly starts humming, singing and clapping to her own songs and boppin' around. She's recently started singing her A-B-C's and although she'll fumble her way through the whole thing, she sings up to 'G' confidently. Her awesome Fridge Phonics has been such a helpful tool in helping her learn her A-B-Cs as well as using it as a beat box guide for her Alphabet song.
Here is another clip of her belting a toon using her sunglasses as a mic (she won't sing with anything else now). She was inspired by the dress she tried on for her aunt's flower girl gig this summer. Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll croon for us at the wedding too?
oh my. too cute! love the way she crescendos, shakes her mic for effect, & also holds onto the chair! she has her whole gig down!
NRB here we come!
she must take after YK and HK 이모.ㅋㅋㅋ
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