Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Ramblings of a 15 Month Old*

There are some kids that love to talk and some that don't.  The ones that love to talk either say words that they know they can say with a somewhat clear enunciation or they ramble on in jibberish in their own foreign language.  Amelie does the latter.  Everyone thinks parents understand what their children are jabbering but I sure as heck don't.  I wonder if she even comprehends what she's saying... Who cares, it's so freakin' cute!  *sigh* i fall more and more in love with her everyday.


Jennifer said...

Oh my dear!! She is so cute. What IS she saying? HI Amelie!! HI!

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute! "Hi, hi, hi!"

Unknown said...

it sounded like she said "i-yah" when fell down for a sec. a fob at heart.