Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are*

We've created a monster.  A very cute one.  Amelie is now a professional crawler and is surveying every corner, crevice and lint in the house whenever she has the chance to.  As you probably already know from the last photo that I left you with, she is also on mission to pull herself up to a standing position on anything and everything in sight.  It's no wonder since the name Amelie means "industrious, striving, eager".  Be careful what you name your children!

Amelie in the Crib Stand* from Shirlpearl on Vimeo.

Another recent milestone Amelie has reached and is experimenting with are her vocal chords, especially growling and one pitch singing.  Ever since she was a baby, she would coo while we sang her to sleep.  The growling, I have no idea where it's spawned from aside from the fact that as a newborn infant, she used to sound like a barnyard full of animals.  Not kidding here. 
Here is Amelie's version of singing.

Amelie The One Pitch Singer* from Shirlpearl on Vimeo.


jane said...

LOVE the blank stare @ 0:12-0:13 while she's clapping. :P YAY Amelie for pushing herself up all on her own!!!! :)

jacob said...

she even sings like mike!