Sunday, April 10, 2011

Adventures at the Farm with my Bud, Eva*

Amelie had her first playdate with her friend Evangelina!  We spent the day at an amazing farm here that is free during the week called Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead.  It has almost 200 animals and birds of prey, vegetable and flower gardens, a baby goat feeding pen, an old-time fishing pond, pony rides and playgrounds galore.  It's also great because Amelie can ramble around on foot and explore while I'm a stone's throw away.  At two years old, instead of parallel playing, toddlers start to interact more with each other so it was so cute watching Evangelina and Amelie look at each other and giggle and point things out to each other.

 This cow was REALLY BIG. 
 Finally a cow they could chill on.
Onto the slide!
Now onto the swings!
We're famished!
It's the Baby Goats turn to feed!
Man, these nutty babies would do anything to get a bottle!
Notice the boy in the back making sand angels and putting baby goat poop pellets into his hair...where is his mom?...
Follow the chickens!~
Look, doesn't the shadow from my hat make me look like I have freckles like my mommy?
What a great day with my bud, Evangelina!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Now I Know My A, B, Cs...and other songs*

I know, I know, it's been way too long since I've posted.  I hope I haven't lost any of ya'll because she's growing up too stinkin' adorable and too fast!  Amelie just turned the BIG TWO last week and we are so blessed because she continues to top her cuteness every single day just when we didn't even think it was possible!  Every day is filled with a new surprise from Amelie but my favorite thing right now is when she randomly starts humming, singing and clapping to her own songs and boppin' around.   She's recently started singing her A-B-C's and although she'll fumble her way through the whole thing, she sings up to 'G' confidently.  Her awesome Fridge Phonics has been such a helpful tool in helping her learn her A-B-Cs as well as using it as a beat box guide for her Alphabet song. 

Here is another clip of her belting a toon using her sunglasses as a mic (she won't sing with anything else now).  She was inspired by the dress she tried on for her aunt's flower girl gig this summer.  Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll croon for us at the wedding too?