Thursday, December 9, 2010

L'exposition d'Amelie

Amelie's been taking an interest in the family camera recently so I've been letting her give it a whirl.  After taking a look at her composition skillz, I've noticed that she has natural talent.  Not surprising since she mos def has my creative genes.  I've decided to start her shutterbugging young like when parents have their children start playing the piano or getting golf lessons when they've just exited the womb.  Anyways, welcome to Amelie's first photography exhibition at the radiant age of 20 months new!

'V8 Kind of Day'
(isn't the composition of this one just so daring?)

'Finger of God on Her Life'
(this one is just so profound.)

 'Sandy Toes'
(after shooting this, she took one look at me and said, "beach". how brilliant is she?)

'Hello Toes'
(she was very retrospective of her feet that day.)

'Strike a Pose'
(hint: picture an invisible person actually visible in those moccasins)

'Rushing Light'
(i mean come on, look at the detail she shot this one in.)

(this piece is her voila moment when she suddenly realized that she could freeze her current favorite game in time! isn't she remarkable?!)

'Self Portrait #1: JOY*'
(she had to do a couple self-timer shots on this one due to the exact depth & height she wanted this in.)