Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Amelie SpongeGirl SquarePants*

Okay so it's been forever since I've posted anything (Jane, this is for you).  Notice this was after she turned the ripe age of One.  So try imagining having a sponge of a toddler that suddenly wants to do and mimic everything you're doing and has the most intelligent problem solving skills (they only need to be taught something once and they get it the next time.  scaaaaary.)  And just wait till they start walking because then it gets even more fun.  On top of that, try having a part-time job while being a full-time mom. 

Here is a quick fast forward of what's been going on with Amelie-amelie-bo-Bamelie, Banana-fanna-fo-famelie, Me, My, Mo-Mamelie:
 Chilling in my new shades
I love my new shiny shoes

 Hello is anyone there?
Caught red-handed
What did I get myself into...(butt paste on my face)

An artist in the works
Really the best barber in town
My new Hepburn or Jane emo look
 Daddy's scary BBQ rib
I love the swimming pool
My mom asked me to smile really big so I can show you my dimple
My new easel that Grams bought me to encourage creative expressions
Hard at work
Hard at work
Ransacked Great Grams room while she wasn't looking
Me with my grown up look